Battus alive and cooking!

In our edition of The excellent cookbook we have published thirty adapted recipes, but Marleen and Christianne have prepared many more recipes from Battus. Some of these have been published online or in printed media.

On this page we have gathered all these publications, with pictures of the dishes. If both Christianne and Marleen have published a recipe, there will be two pictures. Click on the picture if there is an online version. Many of these recipes are only available in Dutch, but some are also in English. These are in bold.

On Facebook we asked people to share their adventures with Battus with us. On this page we will place a link to the page or post with your story and/or picture.

For a Feast Challenge, Christianne Muusers has translated nine recipes into English. The pdf Christmas with Carolus Battus can be downloaded here.

More dishes from The excellente kookboek

Elderflower custard on Kookhistorie (Marleen)

Recipe 8

Special Pie with quinces (Marleen) on Kookhistorie

Recipe 36a

Pears of Germolles (Christianne). Printed in Living magazines (winter 2020), and in Christmas with Carolus Battus.

Recept 53

Split waffles (Christianne). Printed in magazine Herenhuis 80 (November 2020), will later be published on Coquinaria

Recipe 63a

Salmon with Seville Oranges in Christmas with Carolus Battus

Recipe 189

Gooseberry omelette (Christianne) on Coquinaria

Recipe 207

Cherry custard (Christianne). On Coquinaria.

Recipe 216

Pie with cheese and spinach (Marleen) on Kookhistorie

Recipe 227

Lamb pie (Marleen) was the subject of the Kookpotcast (October 2020)

Recipe 230

Quail Pie (Christianne) was published in magazine Vind 39 (autumn 2020) and in the pdf Christmas with Carolus Battus.

Recipe 256

Barley porridge (Christianne) on Coquinaria

Recipe 292

More dishes from the Secreetboeck

Spicy cherry jam (Christianne) was printed in Het verleden op je bord

Recipe 23